The Time Line Follow Back (TLFB)

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The Time Line Follow Back (TLFB) is designed for collecting self-reported, retrospective estimates of AOD use and is extensively used to assess daily AOD use in research and practice [525]. The TLFB can be used as a weekly tool to assess daily AOD use during treatment, as well as assisting people identify patterns in their daily routines and relationships between AOD use and other areas of their lives [526]. When using the TLFB, a designated period of time, such as a week or several months, is specified with the use of a calendar. Respondents are asked to fill out the amount of AOD used each day of the calendar in the specified time frame (e.g., if asking about alcohol, the number of standard drinks each day). To assist with recall, respondents are encouraged to use diaries or appointment books, and reflect on AOD use during different times of the week (e.g., weekday vs weekend). Sample calendars and instructions can be freely accessed for clinical purposes:

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