Managing symptoms of psychosis

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Table 41 presents some strategies for managing acute psychotic symptoms. Some clients may be aware that they are unwell and will voluntarily seek help; others may lack insight into their symptoms and refuse help. If the active-phase psychosis is putting the client or others at risk of harm, it may be necessary to contact mental health services. It is also true that many people with psychotic illness are vulnerable to manipulation, including interpersonal violence, financial and sexual exploitation.

It should also be remembered that there is much stigma and discrimination associated with both psychotic spectrum disorders and AOD use, and some people may attempt to conceal either one or both of their conditions. Many people with co-occurring psychosis and AOD use are frightened of being imprisoned, forcibly medicated, or having their children removed [778, 795]. Take the time to engage the person, developing a respectful, non-judgemental relationship with hope and optimism. Use a direct approach but be flexible and motivational [795].

Table 41: Dos and don’ts of managing a client with symptoms of psychosis


Ensure the environment is well lit to prevent perceptual ambiguities.

Ensure discussions take place in settings where privacy, confidentiality, and dignity can be maintained.

Try to reduce noise, human traffic, or other stimulation within the person’s immediate environment (e.g., reduce clutter).

Ensure the safety of the client, yourself, and others.

Allow the person as much personal space as possible.

Be aware of your body language – keep your arms by your sides, visible to the client.

Ignore strange or embarrassing behaviour if you can, especially if it is not serious.

Listen attentively and respectfully.

Appear confident, even if you are anxious inside – this will increase the client’s confidence in your ability to manage the situation.

Be empathic. Psychotic experiences are typically frightening and distressing.

Speak clearly and calmly, asking only one question or giving only one direction at a time.

Present material in simple and concrete terms, with examples.

Use a consistently even tone of voice, even if the person becomes aggressive.

Limit eye contact as this can imply a personal challenge and might prompt a hostile, protective response.

Point out the consequences of the client’s behaviour. Be specific.

Ensure both you and the client can access exits – if there is only one exit, ensure that you are closest to the exit.

Have emergency alarms/mobile phones and have crisis teams/police on speed dial.

If psychosis is severe, arrange transfer to an emergency department for assessment and treatment by calling an ambulance on 000.


Get visibly upset or angry with the client.

Confuse and increase the client’s level of stress by having too many workers attempting to communicate with them.

Argue with the client’s unusual beliefs or agree with or support unusual beliefs – it is better to simply say ‘I can see you are afraid, how can I help you?’

Use ‘no’ language, as it may provoke hostility and aggression. Statements like ‘I’m sorry, we’re not allowed to do that, but I can offer you other help, assessment, referral…’ may help to calm the client whilst retaining communication.

Use overly clinical language without clear explanations.

Crowd the client or make any sudden movements.

Leave dangerous items around that could be used as a weapon or thrown.

Adapted from NSW Department of Health [431], Canadian Guidelines [778], Jenner et al. [541], SAMHSA Guidelines [102], and UK NICE Guidelines [795].

Some clients with psychotic disorders may present to treatment when stable on antipsychotic medication and thus may not be displaying any active symptoms. These clients should be encouraged to take any medication as prescribed, and supported to maintain an adequate diet, relaxation, and sleep patterns because stress can trigger some psychotic symptoms [946].

Despite the risk of further psychotic episodes, some people may continue using substances that can induce psychosis. In such cases, the following strategies may be helpful [541]:

  • Talk to the client about ‘reverse tolerance’ (i.e., increased sensitivity to a drug after a period of abstinence) and the increased chance of future psychotic episodes.
  • Try and understand whether there is a pattern between AOD use and psychotic symptoms. Some people may use AOD to block out distressing symptoms; others may continue to use for the positive effects of substances despite the knowledge they will also experience the negative effects such as psychotic symptoms.
  • Encourage the client to avoid high doses of drugs and riskier administration methods (e.g., injecting in the case of methamphetamine).
  • Encourage the client to take regular breaks from using and to avoid using multiple drugs.
  • Help the client recognise early warning signs that psychotic symptoms might be returning (e.g., feeling more anxious, stressed or fearful than usual, hearing things, seeing things, feeling ‘strange’), and encourage them to immediately stop drug use and seek help to reduce the risk of a full-blown episode.
  • Inform the client that the use of AOD can make prescribed medications for psychosis ineffective.

Social stressors can be an added pressure for clients with psychotic conditions and the client may require assistance with a range of other services including accommodation, finances, legal problems, childcare, or social support. With the client’s consent, it can be helpful to consult with the person’s family or carers and provide them with details of other services that can assist in these areas. Family members and carers may also require reassurance, education, and support. See Chapter B5 for strategies on how to incorporate other service providers in a coordinated response to clients’ care.