A3: Guiding principles

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Key point

Key Points

  • When working with clients with co-occurring mental health conditions, it is recommended that AOD services and AOD workers take the following principles into consideration:
    • First, do no harm.
    • Work within your capacity.
    • Engage in ongoing professional development.
    • Recognise that the management of co-occurring conditions is part of AOD workers’ core business.
    • Provide equity of access to care.
    • Adopt a ‘no wrong door’ policy.
    • Recognise that co-occurring conditions are common and that all clients should be routinely screened for co-occurring conditions.
    • Conduct ongoing monitoring of symptoms and assessment of client outcome.
    • Focus on engaging the client in treatment.
    • Adopt a holistic approach based on treating the person, not the illness.
    • Adopt a client-centred approach.
    • Adopt a trauma-informed care approach.
    • Emphasise the collaborative nature of treatment.
    • Have realistic expectations.
    • Express confidence in the effectiveness of the treatment program.
    • Adopt a non-judgemental attitude.
    • Adopt a non-confrontational approach to treatment.
    • Involve families and carers in treatment.
    • Involve peers in treatment.
    • Consult and collaborate with other health care providers.
    • Ensure continuity of care.

When working with clients with co-occurring mental health conditions, it is recommended that AOD services and AOD workers take the following principles into consideration. AOD services need to provide the infrastructure, policy, and systems support for AOD workers to put these principles into practice. The implementation of these principles may help to engage the client in treatment, enhance the therapeutic alliance, and increase the likelihood of improved client outcomes.

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