ITQ: Scoring and interpretation

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PTSD. A diagnosis of PTSD requires the endorsement of at least one of the two symptoms from each of the symptom clusters of (1) re-experiencing in the here and now (P1 or P2), (2) avoidance (P3 or P4), and (3) sense of current threat (P5 or P6); plus endorsement of at least one indicator of the three types of functional impairment associated with these symptoms (P7, P8 or P9).

Endorsement of a symptom or functional impairment item is defined as a score ≥ 2.

CPTSD. A diagnosis of CPTSD requires the endorsement of at least one of the two symptoms from each of the three PTSD symptom clusters described above (i.e., re-experiencing in the here and now, avoidance, and sense of current threat) and at least one of the two symptoms from each of the three Disturbances in Self-Organisation (DSO) clusters: (1) affective dysregulation (C1 or C2), (2) negative self-concept (C3 or C4), and (3) disturbances in relationships (C5 or C6). Functional impairment must also be identified where at least one indicator of the three types of functional impairment is endorsed related to the PTSD symptoms (as described above), and one indicator of the three types of functional impairment is endorsed related to the DSO symptoms (C7, C8, or C9).

Endorsement of a symptom or functional impairment item is defined as a score ≥ 2.

An individual can receive either a diagnosis of PTSD or CPTSD, but not both. If a person meets the criteria for CPTSD, that person does not also receive a PTSD diagnosis.

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