Chapter List Guidelines In a nutshellAbout these guidelinesPart A: About co-occurring conditionsPart B: Responding to co-occurring conditionsPart C: Specific population groupsAppendicesAppendix A: Other Australian guidelinesAppendix B: Other useful resourcesAppendix C: Sources of research, information and other resourcesAppendix D: DSM-5-TR and ICD-11 classification cross-referenceAppendix E: Motivational interviewingAppendix F: Case formulation tableAppendix G: Mental state examinationAppendix H: Integrated Motivational Assessment Tool (IMAT)Appendix I: Additional screening toolsAppendix J: CANSAS-PAppendix K: Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS 21)Appendix L: Indigenous Risk Impact Screener (IRIS)Appendix M: Kessler psychological distress scale (K10)Appendix N: The PsyCheck Screening ToolAppendix O: Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale (ASRS)Appendix P: The International Trauma Questionnaire (ITQ)Appendix Q: Life Events Checklist for DSM-5 (LEC-5)Appendix R: Primary Care PTSD Screen for DSM-5 (PC-PTSD-5)Appendix S: PTSD Checklist for DSM-5 (PCL-5)Appendix T: Psychosis Screener (PS)Appendix U: Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT)Appendix V: CAGE Substance Abuse Screening ToolAppendix W: Drug Abuse Screening Test (DAST-10)Appendix X: Drug Use Disorders Identification Test (DUDIT)Appendix Y: The Michigan Alcohol Screening Test (MAST)Appendix Z: Suicide risk screener scorer and interpretationAppendix AA: Referral pro formaAppendix BB: Cognitive behavioural techniquesAppendix CC: Anxiety management techniquesWorksheetsIdentifying negative thoughts worksheetCognitive restructuring worksheetStructured problem-solving worksheetGoal setting worksheetPleasure and mastery worksheetProgressive muscle relaxation worksheetControlled abdominal breathing worksheetVisualisation and imagery worksheetFood and activity diary worksheetCommon reactions to trauma worksheetCommon reactions to grief and loss worksheetWellbeing planAbbreviationsGlossaryReferencesDisclaimer and acknowledgements Download full Guidelines Order a free hard copy Wellbeing plan Download page Name: Date: Step Description/Examples Plan Things that are important to me List some of the things that you enjoy and value, such as hobbies, leisure and social activities, spending time with family, going to the gym: How will you fit in the things you need to do and the things that are important to you? Are there any resources you need to help you do these things (what and from who)? Triggers List some of the things that cause you stress, such as not asking for support when you need it, significant events, times or situations: What can you can do to lessen the impact? Warning signs List some of your warning signs that suggest you may need to take action, such as feeling unusually tired, irritable or overly sensitive, negative self-talk, difficulty sleeping: What actions can you take? What has helped in the past? Strategies List some strategies below that you can use to help manage difficult situations, such as talking to someone you trust, remembering how you have gotten through difficulties in the past, identifying your strengths: Are there things other people could do to help you? Trusted people I can talk to List some of your main, trusted support people, such as your partner, family member, workmate, neighbour, best friend: Are there any other people in your life who support you? Professional support List some of the main names and numbers/locations of AOD/mental health professionals, crisis teams, hospitals and support services you can contact. In an emergency, always call 000. Sources: Heads up. (2020). Personal wellbeing plan;; Repper, J., Perkins, R., & Meddings, S. (2013). A personal health and wellbeing plan for family, friends and carers. Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust. (2019). Health and Wellbeing Plan. Available from Download section Previous Next